Irving locksmith and his “beef” with kwikset smart key locks.

kwikset is a well brand lock company providing residential lock hardware in around the us.most of residential locksmith companies around the us ,and Irving locksmith llc in particular,uses kwikset brand locks in most of its residential work.

in the latest years due to the high rise of bump keys.Kwikset came up with an original idea  to revolutionize the lock industry .The main question that led to develop their new smart lock was.., how to prevent a lock from being picked or being opened by a bump key .locksmith irving kwikset

what is a bump key ?

A bump key is a key blank cut into deep depths .It was initially  innovated by Locksmiths  a according to a Irving locksmith technician.Irving Locksmith technicians decided to improvise and instead of using standard picking tools to unlock a lock, they designed the bump key.Bump keys are called by the function they use it for to defeat a lock .

Irving Locksmith  technician says unlocking a door using a bump key is fairly easy.You just slide in the bump key to the lock cylinder and than pull it slightly out of the lock cylinder . Than take a big screw driver and gently, start bumping (tapping) on the bump key,once you made the perfect bump all the pins that lock the lock cylinder will align and enable you to unlock the door.

Kwikset smart key locks.

Bump keys were the locksmith trade little secret.But over time secrets tend to be discovered and so it happened the secret on how to create a bump key and use it was wide spread, leading to an increase of residential home break-ins.

After understanding what bump key is and the risk of knowing there people out there that can get their hands on a bump key,you can understand why kwikset had to brain storm a solution.They did, kwikset invented the revolutionary Smart key locks .irving locksmith

Smart key lock

A smart key lock is a complete re design of the traditional lock cylinder . traditional lock cylinder also named as a pin tumbler lock .pin tumbler lock is a lock mechanism that uses steel round long parts with a sharp edge called pins ,to prevent a lock from being unlocked unless you carry the rite key for it , pins vary by length and by that determine the cut depths.

In kwikset smart key locks there are no kwikset smart key locks you have small particles called wafers to keep the lock locked . by doing so the affect of a bump key no longer take affect  since it was meant for a pin tumbler lock.

Kwikset also offered in its smart key locks a self rekey mechanism, which basically means the owner can rekey his locks any time desired without having to call a locksmith.

Although smart key locks sound like a must have product.Over time once went out in the market,kwikset began to realize that their revolutionary lock is more turning into shame rather than fame.Kwikset smart key locks presented them selves as durable in picking and bump key, meaning a kwikset smart key lock cannot be picked or be opened by a bump key,and by that considered more secured than the other locks who still hold the pin tumbler lock feature.

It was soon realized the kwikset smart key are not safe.Unsecured..,not only you don’t need a bump key to open the lock,it is worse,all you need is a standard uncut kwikset key blank and a vise grip!.Just slide the key blank into the lock and twist it with the vise grip and you are in !.

In addition to the lack of security smart key locks carry.The smart rekey feature was found to be not durable and a lot of issues of “key stopped working in the lock”, started to occur.As a1 locksmith owner said ,when the smart key came out to the market house lockouts were brought into the market.According to him Irving locksmith llc  will get a lot of calls stating the costumer has keys to the property,but cannot get in to the house .

When Irving locksmith technician examined the lock the technician of irving locksmith found out that due to a poor engineering of the lock cylinder its small components that replace the pins,tend to get stuck inside, due to their shape and thickness,leading the home owner to be locked out,and end up using a local locksmith service to help him get in back to his home.

Smart key lock were supposed to be a break point in lock industry, however now kwikset rather them not to be mentioned .

If you are a home owner and your house is equipped with smart key locks ,Irving locksmith in Tx recommend you to change the lock hardware on your door to the standard kwikset locks , if you need assistance in replacing the locks on your door and you are in the irving area , contact Irving locksmith llc. Irving locksmith is a local locksmith company in Irving providing residential service and can assist you in changing the locks on your door.

Irving  locksmith llc is part of  giddy up locksmith group your local local locksmith in the DFW area,  offering it services to Irving Tx ,Coppell Tx ,Las colinas , Grand prairie Tx,