Dodge car key replacement is a service provided by most auto locksmiths in Irving Tx .locksmith irving decided to share our knowledge and experience and provide all the information needed to know on an object you never tend to notice… until you loose it..your car key ! .

we all  know the saying “everything is big in Texas” and along with it is our cars we drive. Being an Irving resident we love our muscle cars and along them in particular you can find dodge vehicle manufacture.Dodge has change its car keys over time as technology developed over the years .

With the help of our auto locksmiths in Irving Tx, we will expend below the options on type of keys there are out there for dodge various models, and the procedure in getting a Dodge car key replacement incase the car owner looses his original key to his dodge model.

Dodge car key from A to Z.Dodge car key replacement

when discussing key blanks for dodge manufacture Dodge models until the year of 95′ kept it pretty simple as they all carry the same key blank ,meaning same shape of blade .In order to get a replacement key for these models , you won’t be able to just go to a dodge dealer ,provide him with id and proof of ownership and get your dodge car key back.

Lost your Dodge car key ? auto locksmith will be your best bet !.

Every 10  years in dodge manufacture , the database keeps updating and erasing old data from before ,so there will be no key codes in the data base for those years , your only option will be to call an auto locksmith near you .Be sure to check it is a mobile auto locksmith ,unless you want to tow your car to the shop.

once placed the call for a locksmith near you ,the technician will arrive on site ,and will have to originate your lost key form the locks on your door and ignition. There are several techniques  to create a car key replacement. Some locksmiths do so by impression,some by using an easy reader,and some by removing the ignition lock cylinder out and read the wafers inside .

Dodge car key | transponder keys and their affect on the common “misplacer”.Dodge car key replacement | lost my car key

As technology prospered and upgraded vehicle performance and comfortability , it also upgraded the car security .various models of Dodge  from the late 99′ were equipped with an anti theft system connected to a micro chip built in to the key also known as a transponder key.

Having a transponder key is an advantage of security and by having one , as a car owner you can feel more relaxed and safe from anyone who may try to steal your car.But if you are a regular key misplace kinda fellow… ,well  than transponder key may not be your cup of tea .

in order to originate a lost transponder key,or transponder dodge car key in particular on top of just ordering a locksmith to come and cut a key for you , the locksmith will also need to program your vehicle to your new set of transponder key ,and erase your old one from the system incase some one will find it and may try to steal your car.

Dodge transponder replacement key ,those computerized chip dodge car key can be done at the dealer as well ,the main disadvantage about it is you will have to tow the car to the dealership , when ordering an auto locksmith ,most auto locksmiths are mobile and will come to where the car is at and could make you your car replacement key at a fair price.Mobile auto locksmith save you your waiting time for the tow truck,save your waiting time at the dealer for service,and above all mobile locksmiths will save you unnecessary  expenses  such as the tow and dealer car key replacement

Dodge FOB and Smart remote key.(new age Dodge car key)


As technology became ore advanced it allow our life to become easier and more comfortable ,with smart phones enabling us to surf freely on the web ,pay at certain spots etc.. that technology also came around converting our standard keys into smart keys , in the late models of Dodge the standard key shape transformed itself into a proxy with buttons on it, and to have a push start button that will enable you to start the car up with no need to take the key out of your pocket and put it in the ignition .Technology is great but when you loose or misplace that technology , smart key or your proxy to your new dodge , getting a replacement can get pretty expensive .Dodge car key replacement |auto locksmiths

Programming these late models can only be done by an up to date programing tools thats why its important when calling an auto locksmith to make sure that the auto locksmith carry the latest programming tool in order to program your dodge fob to your car . if you are a fob owner it is best to hold still on those type of keys due to their high cost .autolocksmith

  • it is important to maintain that Dodge/Chrysler/jeep are the same vehicle manufacture and you can say the same for their keys so the information provided here on a dodge car key replacement can be reflected on a Chrysler car key replacement and jeep car key replacement.
If you are located in Irving Tx. Giddy up locksmith Irving is a local company offering 24/7 car key replacement that could get you any type of Dodge car key replacement at a fair rate.